Five New Year’s Resolutions for Your Brand
A New Year is upon us and like every turn of the calendar year, it’s time to set goals and make resolutions for the upcoming year. While this can be a beneficial practice for your personal life, making New Year’s resolutions for your brand is a great way to head into Q1 with motivation. Not sure where to start? Check out our top five New Year’s resolutions for your brand heading into 2017:
Learn to Let Go
It’s time to shed that unwanted baggage that your brand is carrying around. Of course, that could mean different things for different brands. Maybe you need to re-design your logo, or maybe your website could use an update by making it sleeker and easier to navigate. Perhaps your physical retail environment is cluttered and could use a little reorganization. Or, learning to let go could mean letting go of targeting a broad audience and going after a smaller niche. After all, smaller, personalized brands could have a leg up on the competition in 2017.
Stop Procrastinating
For those brands that started their holiday marketing in mid-November, you know exactly what we’re talking about here. It’s easy to fall behind or put things off when it comes to properly marketing your brand throughout the year. In 2017, create a calendar in Q1 that will keep your marketing and sales efforts on track so you can reach your target audience before your competition does.
Appreciate the Little Things
Did someone leave your brand a nice review on Facebook? Don’t ignore it – take the time to personally thank that individual customer for their time. In our modern world, one customer has more power in their voice than ever before, so take the time to appreciate every interaction whether it’s online or in a physical store.
Be More Confident
Does your brand tend to be timid or shy on social platforms? Too much confidence can be detrimental, but have some conviction about your brand’s identity. As retail trends in 2016 showed, Millennials and Generation Z shoppers tend to spend more with brands that show social consciousness and support causes.
Learn Something New
With big data on the upswing and more data-collection tools available to companies than ever before, it’s essential that your brand learns more about your customers in 2017. The more you know about them, the better you’ll be able to meet their needs and desires. In addition to learning about your customers, always take time to continue learning about your industry, competition and consumer trends. Even the most successful, established brands continue to learn new things each year to stay competitive in an ever-changing market.
Whether it’s completely remodeling your retail store or simply providing more training to your current retail store associates, it’s never too late to start making changes to ensure your brand’s success this coming year. Contact us to find out how BDSmktg can help you meet your goals and tackle the new challenges that lay ahead this 2017!